You have been a helper to others, and you have made feeble hands strong. Recently I personally went through a very hard time in my life. I had lost my job, I was feeling very down, depressed, and even suffered physically as a result of the stress and worry. And yet through it all I heard the voice of God saying "Trust me. I know what is best for you".
I asked God to show me the way I needed to go, to show me what decisions to make, what to do.
And through it all I even felt a little betrayed, a little as if God had let me down. But He never did. Today my problems are largely past. I can now stand before God and say "Thank you. Thank you for giving me the strength to face the trials, and the faith to believe that You knew best."
And do you know the most amazing thing? When I was at my worst period, when all I could think about were my own problems, I was forced time and again to look around me at other people, at those who are suffering, worried, in trouble, in need, and I realised then that my troubles were a mere nothing in the greater scheme of things, that there are people who more than ever before need MY strength and help, MY guidance. It was almost as if God was saying "Yes, you are suffering, but there are others worse off than you, and I need you to help me to hold those others up. Don't get weak on me now!"
You may ask yourself "How can I help others when I myself am so down, in need of help and guidance"? And the simple answer is that you can, by asking God to give you the strength to do it. But holding out your hand to someone else in need, you are strengthening yourself too, through God's love and support.
It's almost like a circle of strength, each one holding another, and so on in turn. The circle of love, God's love for us, is complete and encompassing. Through one-another we can pass on this love, and so lighten the burden for others, as God would want of us. It needn't be a huge thing; do something today for someone else, even the smallest act of kindness will be magnified by God. Stretch out your hand and lift up someone who is old, weak, sick, in trouble, worried, and you will be sure that God Himself will have His own hand around yours helping you along.
God will not let you fall. God will not let you fail. Be strong in your faith today, and let God use you to bless someone else's life, just as I pray to be able to bless yours.
See Ya Soon,
May God bless you today and forever!
GOD WITH US INSPIRED BY THE BIBLE EXPERIENCE MESSAGES OF HOPE,INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION."I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope".Romans 15:13 "For God so loved the world,that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish,but have eternal life."John 3:16 May God bless you today and forever!
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