Tuesday, September 28, 2010

He gathers the lambs in His arms

He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to His heart. This passage from Isaiah is part of a larger paragraph which says that God tends his flock like a shepherd, and looks after those who have young. We understand this to mean that God tends his people like a shepherd tends his sheep, but it also means that God tends his creation in this way, all of it. For all of God's creation is special to Him, and all of it deserves His special care and attention.

We also read the passage as meaning that God physically bears us close to Him in times of trouble or need, and indeed it does mean that, but also we need to understand the line " .. carries them close to His heart ...". We understand this to mean that God carries us close to his Love, we are always within his loving influence, as indeed we are.

I recently received a beautiful true story from one of my subscribers living in Parker, Texas, USA, and I want to relay the story to you here because it indicates very well several lessons. It shows that God indeed answers prayers, it shows that God indeed loves and cares for ALL of his creation, and it shows that God can be trusted to come to our aid in the stormiest times of our lives.

"We just experienced an amazing miracle that I would like to share. We are in the process of rebuilding a new barn after Texas storms flattened ours last week. The storm felled a huge Oak tree across our barn with our 4 horses inside. The destruction was heart and gut wrenching. I didn't believe the horses could survive this accident and prayed that if God intended to take them, please take them fast and not let them suffer a minute longer than they had to. Just when I thought I had lost it all, God performed a miracle.

He must have bubble-wrapped the horses before the tree fell, as two of the horses already had gotten out, and the two that were unable to get out from under the wreckage were rescued without needing one stitch! The Fire Department had to cut them out with chain saws near their heads ..... their wounds were only surface cuts and sore muscles! My vet was TRULY amazed when she examined them. Reflecting on this amazing outcome, I realize there is ALWAYS HOPE in every storm of our lives.

My new barn will be blessed and have a scripture of hope mounted inside.

Sara, Texas.

So, if any of you feel in dispair of something today, if any of you feel worried, concerned about something, in fear of something, or truly need a miracle, then do as Sara did - pray to God, and have FAITH. Have faith that God will hear you, and have faith that God will stand with you, for indeed He will. And when He does, do not hesitate to tell the world about it, shout it to the heavens - GOD IS SO GOOD!

Isaiah 40:11

"He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those who have young."

See Ya Soon, 

May God bless you today and forever!

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